Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another Goose Episode...

Yesterday I told about the geese, small groups and an episode with Patti. Late last night I was reminded of another time that our friend Rose Marie was so sick in the night that she could barely move. She and Patti lived in the same town so she called Patti to ask for help in getting dressed and getting to the hospital. The hospital she went to was near my home so they called me as well and I met them there. I think Rose Marie was in that hospital four-six hours. Patti and I hung out in the lobby and they let us see her once. Eventually they diagnosed her problem and fixed her up and Patti took her home.

This is just another example of why it is good to dwell in unity with fellow believers. God knows what he is talking about. We were not meant to be lone rangers. Sometimes people have a hard time trusting others because of childhood issues or just because someone hurt their feelings. That's just what the enemy wants! Stay alone, don't trust anyone, be depressed because then he doesn't have to worry about that person accomplishing much for the Kingdom of God. No fear of them sharing Jesus with anyone. No fear of them feeling bonded in community giving of themselves and receiving tenfold back.

Live in the freedom God provides and enjoy those around you. Reach out and take a chance -- you might just be surprised!

Goose the enemy today!

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