Monday, December 27, 2010

A Time of Reflection and A Time to Look Forward

Ready or not, here comes the New Year!
We often ask where the year went; it seems to have passed so quickly. At the end of 2010 we sit and think about what events occurred that blessed us and those that were difficult and challenging.We think about what we have accomplished and what we let slide. We make our New Year's resolutions with the greatest intent to keep them. It's very good time for such reflection.
I'm ready for the new year with my workout tape, my Dave Ramsey financial handcuffs, my journal and I signed up for Tuesday am bible study at church. Oh Lord, that I will be faithful to attend to these disciplines.

Two of my favorite verses are Lamentations 3:22-23
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; mercies never come to an end;they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

You can figure out why I cling to that verse, eh? Oh, yes, I need that mercy daily!

Looking toward 2011 I am committed to living simply, to making each moment count for good by loving God and loving people. I am secure in the knowledge that He loves me and has a plan for my life in the new year.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Just want to share a disclaimer if you will...plans to prosper you is often taken to mean financially prosper and while He may do just that, please consider there are many other ways for the Lord to prosper our lives...

good health, a life of meaning and purpose, a lesson, a challenge, a heart for others and a content spirit.

Whatever He brings...let us rejoice and love one another.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Time of Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year...singing....

I'm just full of the holiday spirit this year. It's a nice change for me.

My blessings seem larger than life!

I know there are so many who are struggling in many ways here in the US and abroad. For them it is a blue Christmas and there probably isn't a more difficult time of the year than Christmas if you are sick, having financial troubles, are alone, or any other number of reasons. My prayers are with them; I've been sick, had financial troubles, been alone and a few other reasons to feel sad during this blessed time of year.
Reach out and bless someone who needs you; sometimes it's just a smile, a cup of coffee, a book, a ride, $20, a easy!!

Jesus came = Emmanuel = God with us! May we hold fast to Him who is always for us, who always cares about us, who loves us so. Hang on...victory comes in the morning!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I probably talk about friendships
more than any other topic.
That's because I hold each one
tenderly in my heart.
Fortunate to have a group of very close friends, I am.
God knew we needed each other.
Coming from such diverse backgrounds,
interests and situations,
yet we are bonded tightly,
securely and gratefully.
I have considered my brother Kevin my best friend for many long years now.
He is tried and true, solid & committed to me.
My other best friend is also of the male species,
one who has gifted me with an example of true selfless giving.
I have learned more about living on another's behalf from
him in a few short years than any other time in my life.
Jeff's best friend, Luis, yet another man,
who has given of himself on my son's behalf
and mine as well in extraordinary ways.
(Couldn't have done it without the full
support of his wonderful wife, Joann).
And then there are my girlfriends
Incredible, bright, funny, wonderful girlfriends.
How could I have carried on this past decade without them?
God knew I could not.
They rose to the occasion and gifted me with prayer
when I could not pray, but felt above the fray of life
because I was being lifted UP.
They gifted me with time, treasure and talent
and they continue to do so.
I want to declare that I am grateful, blessed and deeply moved
each one bringing something I desperately needed
How do I list them? So many deserve the first place on the list
but they need to be here we go.
Norma, Elaine, Rose Marie, Patti
Donna, Donna, Lena, Mary
Pam, Brenda, Judy,Barb
Tina, Joann, Bernita, Jane
Margo, Connie, Maria
My goodness! This is like the Oscar thank you's...
I couldn't have done this without you
this thing we call living
Because of you I live large
and to the fullest
with wonder and delight!!!!
As I have had time to reflect on my return to California I have realized
deep within that I am healed and believe the grieving
about losing Jeff has been completed.
I am not who I was, I am profoundly changed.
The hole in my heart will not fill..nothing can fill that loss.
But I am smiling, positive and absolutely full of JOY.
So my dear friends, all of you, thank you for being there
God's hands and feet
Blessing me * Blessing me * Blessing me

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In the midst of all the crazy goings on this month to celebrate...please remember that






If you haven't received
that gift, please consider
Him. He gave His life to
bridge you back to God
and eternal life.