Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's all so very Mary!

Too busy to blog today - the remainder of my Mary Engelbreit collection is uploaded and ready for auction (well, they're already bidding).
Thus brings to a close my whimsical kitchen and time with Mary.

Moving on, but will always love the art creations of Mary E!

Ebay collectors are great. If you want to find me at ebay-i'm sweetiepie71257 :)

These are great gifts for Christmas, birthdays...anything, even if you are not a collector.

I tell you I sighed as I unpacked them to photograph, measure, note the markings and upload to ebay. They are from a special time in my life - they brought me color, whimsy, smiles and a beautiful collection.

My ME dishes will survive my selling though ... they are still in my brother's garage in Idaho along with the most beautiful Mary E fountain ever made. its a 3 foot tall beehive in her cool colors with little bees stuck in and about on copper curly wire. I think I'll keep that for another day of whimsy somewhere in the Pacific Northwest!

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